General Returns Policy

We understand that sometimes you may order the wrong item or that the item is no longer needed. If that’s the case we can accept the item you wish to return and provide a full refund if:

  • The item is unused and still in its original packaging (if any) and is in a saleable condition.
  • You notify us within 14 days from the date of purchase.


We cannot accept the return of any item if:

  • The item is damaged or unsaleable
  • The item has been used and is not in its original packaging.
  • You did not notify us within 14 days from the date of purchase.


Should the return be accepted,Capital Tools will refund you the full amount less any carriage and packaging charges that Capital Tools may have paid.   To complete a return, please e-mail the Capital Tools team at and provide the following information:

  • Name
  • E-mail Address
  • Phone Number
  • Order Number and Order Date
  • Description of the items you wish to return and why.


Upon receipt of this information we will provide instructions as to how to return the product to Capital Tools. Carriage expenses to return items to Capital Tools will be the responsibility of the customer. Faulty, Incorrectly Supplied or Damaged Item We have lots of checks and balances in place to ensure that the right order makes it to the right door, in the right condition. On occasion however, mistakes can be made which is why we have a strict immediate policy to ensure you get the tool you need. Should you receive a faulty, incorrectly supplied or damaged item, please write to us at with the following information:

  • Name
  • E-mail Address
  • Phone Number
  • Order Number and Order Date
  • Description of the items that:
    • Arrived or did not arrive
    • Arrived faulty and not arrived faulty
    • Arrived damaged or arrived not damaged. 

  Upon receipt of this information we will dispatch the correct goods on a 24 hour delivery service and will provide information to ensure the return of the faulty, incorrect or damaged items.